You’re not changing or rounding anything except what’s in the display. Now the calculator itself is carrying, I forget, seven, eight, nine, digits in its brain, and they’re always there. And that’s usually, I think, adequate for anything you’re going to face on the exam. So, my accuracy or my precision, I should say, is to 1/100th of a percent. The reason I do that is if I get a four-place decimal, then I’m getting what? Two places in percent, right? If I get.0522, I know I’ve got 5.22%. So first off, we want to set the number of decimals. Across the top row, you see it says QUIT, SET, DELETE, Now, there are 2nd functions to a lot of these keys, and you’ll see what’s written over the actual key itself.

So, let’s first talk about setting up your calculator. But you need to be familiar with it for the exam.ĬFA Calculator Policy > Setting up the TI BAII Plus Mostly, we use Excel these days, so they don’t get used all that much. Although I guess, it could happen if you were using it all the time. In terms of functionality, there are a couple of functions that are on this Professional Edition that aren’t on the other one. Heavier, has a better feel, and the buttons feel cooler when you press them. So, since I’m a professional, Schweser bought me this one some years back. Now there’s a plastic one, and then there’s this one called the Professional Edition. So, our examples in the SchweserNotes, although we have some for the HPįor specific functions, most of our answers and explanations and examples are based on the Texas Instruments calculator. I’ve found over my years of teaching it’sĮasier for students to use and can catch on to. If you are new to the financial calculator or a lot of the functions, we really suggest that you get the Texas Instruments calculator. One of them is the HP-12c, the Hewlett-Packard, and then there’s an addition to that called the Platinum Edition, I believe, which is essentially the same in functionality. Now, there are two calculators that are permitted for the CFA exam. Sign up for our CFA question of the day and get a CFA question sent directly to your inbox every day to help prepare for the next sitting.